Here I am again. Unexpectedly months from last time I wrote. I knew it was going to be a busy couple of months what with taking another Anatomy and Physiology class, but we added a long vacation in the middle of that, and let's just say it added an extra element of stress.
Its tough when you really want to go on vacation, and he gets the time off, and he's excited to get a reprieve from all the chaos at work, but I'm in the thick of an incredibly intense class with major exams and hours upon hours of daily reading, lectures, assignments, quizzes, and studying. Needless to say we still went on vacation to Singapore and after 5, or maybe 6 days, we cut it short. I was holed up in the room almost the entire time, and we both felt terrible that what was supposed to be a great trip was in fact, not. It even ended with us taking separate flights back since we couldn't get the same flight.
Thankfully, I made it through the class with a B...barely, and I can now rest assured I will never have to take such an intense class again...and we can both be certain we will plan our trips much more carefully in the future.
Ever since the class's ending, I've lounged around doing little. I've started baking, which is a little comical given there's only a toaster oven, and no cookie sheets small enough to fit in it. But with a flimsy metal tray, I've managed to bake some "potential cookies" that are a hit with G-man...and myself. I just made my 5th batch this afternoon. Two ever so simple ingredients: Recipe here!
My first class of the Summer has now started up and I'll need to find my groove for that, but I'm confident it'll be smooth without any hiccups. Nothing like my Spring semester. I have to comment on the fact that I'm beginning my Junior year with ASU. I'm so shocked I'm already a Junior and just saying that is so exciting. I'm getting myself on track to graduate Spring of 2017 and though that requires me to continue taking Summer classes and even adding an extra class throughout the Fall and Spring semesters, I'm determined to walk across that stage come May 2017. That's only two years from now! So soon, so soon!!
In the meantime, I know a lot will go on in those two years, but God has proven faithful and no matter what, it'll work out for His glory, so I'm not worried in the least over any changes or challenges that come about. I say, bring them on!
*all images original to Emily's oldie but goodie
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hey stranger! Are you living in Japan now? it seems that way lol.
Good luck with everything!
Nice photos!
Beautiful. :)
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