Say what?
Its true! This is my absolute very first giveaway on my own EVER! and I thought what better time to do it then while I’m away gallivanting with my love in Mexico?

all images from Target
So! From me to you, this is my way of saying thank you for being here, sticking around, being my friend and loving me (you love me, right?) through my 2 years of writing. : ) I’ve loved getting to know you all.
How to enter:
1. leave a comment {with your email in it} telling me what you’ve been doing this week, while I’ve been gone.
extra entries {if you’re bored} all separate comments please:
2. tweet about the giveaway, tagging me @emily_grapes and let me know in a comment that you did.3. leave a comment telling me what you’d like to spend the $25 on.
This giveaway will close on Tuesday, March 12th at noon sharp PSD. So tell your friends, or don’t, since that would increase your chances. Winner will be randomly chosen, emailed and announced later next week. Pin It Now!
I've been homeschooling my kids and taking my older son to therapy appointments as usual.
Mexico sounds fun! I've never been.
I would spend it on bathing suits for the kids.
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
spring break! which means i get to catch up on sleep!! and still go to work, so that's not fun. :P
I've been working my toosh off! Work seems to be crazy right now, so its kind of consuming my time. That, and hating on the snow we keep getting :)
I've been taking care of a crazy toddler - business as usual here in Austin, Texas!
I would most likely spend the $25 on clothes or a new purse for myself :)
I've been cooking up a storm.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
I'd get boring stuff like toilet paper.
lovelydomesticdiva (at) gmail (dot) com
This week we've just been staying home. Kind of boring. Derek is gone, so I'm all by my lonesome with the kiddos. :-) Tomorrow is Spa day at MOPS though, so at least we'll be able to get out then!
I tweeted! :-)
And I'd like to get some clothes of course! Maybe a dress. I saw one there that I liked the other day!
I have been preparing my house for my daughter's birthday party this weekend, and bringing the kids back and forth to school & pre-school.
I would probably buy some summer clothes for my kids.
Yay for your first giveaway! Since you have been having a fabulous time in Mexico, I have been having a fabulous time in little old Louisiana haha. We are having bipolar weather.
I can't wait to see all your pics and hear all about the trip.
I have been working and hanging out with my fabulous husband :)
alaine74014 at gmail dot com
I would spend this on baby clothes- I am due in August and it's my first so I have nothing!
alaine74014 at gmail dot com
I've been learning about pregnancy and baby stuff as I'm expecting my first in August :)
I'd spend it on things for the baby mentioned above
I've been working like a maniac and wishing I was you... Or at least in a beach in Mexico LIKE you!
Aaannnnd I would so buy me some new shoes!
I've worked out every day since you left, now hand over the gc!
And honestly? If I won, I'd buy a curtain rod. Wild, right?
Let's see... I've been writing 10 page papers (blah!), and making trips to guess where? Yep, Target. =)
Oh! And I'd totally get some new spring/summer nail polishes... and chocolate =D
Tweeted it for you!
I've actually had a really productive week! I refinished two old chairs and made a new shirt for daughter out of one of my skirts! I also have been going crazy cleaning and re-organizing the house! Spring cleaning around here for sure :)
oh man what to spend it on!!!! Target has recently gotten a few new lines from designers so I'd love to check those out and get myself some gorgeous new clothes for summer!!
I have been working on my own blog and cleaning house
I've been studying for the GRE this week- not very exciting, but necessary.
I'd spend it on clothes, probably :)
I've been laying in bed sick all week :(
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
I would spend the $25 on makeup and some necessities.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
let's see ~ on saturday, we left for florida and i wondered how your head was holding up while on the plane (seriously, i did!). monday we visited mickey and minnie at the magic kingdom. tuesday we went to epcot. wednesday was a slow day, spent at the lego store and downtown disney. thursday we visited shamu at sea world. friday and saturday we drove back home. now i am up to my ears (yes that is the truth) in laundry!
hope you had a great time!
there are a few throw pillows that i have seen that would look nice on my couch. oh, and we need some new sheets! that $25 would not last long with a family of five!
So far this week I've just been enjoying my spring break week off at home and catching up on work!
deeg131 at gmail dot com
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I'd use it on groceries
deeg131 at gmail dot com
I've been at the beach! having some much needed relaxation time!!
tweeted -
I would spend it on some makeup for spring!!
I've been waiting for this babeh to COME OUT COME OUT.
If I won, and I should say that I think I should win....ahem...I'd buy something to cheer me up and make me feel more like a human being and less like a baby baking whale. Do they make anything like that?
i have been putting together my new bedroom suite
i would like to spend it on a mirror for the bedroom
Hi! I love you, in case you had any doubts. :)
I have been working, working, working all week while you've been playing in Mexico. Normally I would detest the number of hours I've been putting in, but I am loving my job and plus, I'm getting paid, so I really can't complain!
I tweeted, but I hope nobody pays attention because it increases my chances of winning. ;P
If I win, I'm saving this GC for my shopping spree on TBD. I will probably use it to buy some cute sandals for Spring!
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