Obviously the cat is out of the bag and I have a new blog name and look. Thank you for all who said you loved it. I’m quite partial to it. It’s amazing how much thought goes into choosing a new name. I did A LOT of brainstorming for names, came up with a ton of different ones and hashed them out with my momma and ultimately chose Amazing grapes, which I actually find pretty funny. The play on the word…and it does have another meaning to me personally, but alas, it’s personal.
It fits me perfectly and is an easy transition to my “future life” if that may come about at some point in time.
Back in June, I won an amazing giveaway from the lovely and brand new mother, Blair with wild and precious. She gave me a free banner and button (my first ever! grab it, it’s yours!) from the ever so sweet Kris with behold the metatron. I had to wait for my surgery and recovery to pass as well as wait for the grapes to grow in the vineyards so it took well over a month to begin ‘the making.’
Kris was great to work with, letting me ask a bunch of questions and really listened to what I wanted, tweaking things to just how I wanted and I couldn’t be happier. I highly recommend Kris to anyone who wants a complete new look or just a couple things here and there to make your blog look fresh and new! By the way, she just had a birthday Wednesday AND just got engaged a couple days before that (great week, I’d say) so make sure you tell her congrats!
I can’t tell you all how happy having this little here blog has made me. I’m realizing I enjoy writing a lot and then you all have such sweet things to say and the encouragement…its really made me enjoy it even more. Definitely can’t say enough about you guys!
Today I’m off to my parents house for the big birthday weekend. I don’t know what we’ll be doing but I’ll be spending it with my parents, sis and her family, so I have no doubt I will have a great time. I hope you lovelies have a wonderful weekend. I’ll leave you with pictures of my 29th birthday.
We went to Hilo on the Big Island of Hawaii
An active volcano that I don’t remember what its called. G-man would know..
Actual lava flowing from beneath. It was so neat to see. Big thanks to my zoom lens for this!
Lava pouring into the ocean
For the record, that helicopter shouldn’t be that close to us. The smoke is from the trees on fire from the lava.
Afterward, we took the long drive to the cliffs
I’m such a rebel
My attempt to take a picture of us on a timer with the lava that covered the road. It cut our heads off. The sun had set, so putting it on the ground was the only way to get a picture. People walking by said I was dedicated as I was lying on the road before jumping up and running to G-man.
I’ll talk to you all next month!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Happiness in the form of a blog
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Living in a perpetual countdown
Have you ever paid attention to how much we as people live in countdowns?
It’s never ending. There’s always something to countdown to.
A birthday
End of school
New Year
Birth of a baby
A wedding
A date
The last day of a job
Closing of a house
A move
YES! Lots of things we’re always counting down to and since we all know I’ve been counting down to my 30th birthday, it made me realize how much we and myself aren’t living in the present.
We’re always looking for what’s coming. Always looking forward to the next best thing or what’s coming next, when we aren’t even sure what our tomorrows will be like. It’s easy to get caught up in the things you’re doing and say to yourself, ‘I’ll just do it tomorrow.’ or ‘I’ll make time for them tomorrow.’ or ‘I’ll deal with it then.’ but in light of my co-worker’s unexpected death, doing something that everyone does every summer and his burial yesterday, it brings to light how much we need to live for this day and not always be looking to the future.
Not to mention just a week ago, I came across this blog where her husband who is a Marine, died in combat overseas. He was mere weeks from coming home and her post about the 3 Marines coming to her door and leading up to his burial, was so sad, so heartbreaking, as I read her account of it all. But then I read her post before his death and that broke my heart even more. Her excitement of just talking to him and counting down the days to his return and even emailing him pictures of the kids that morning of her finding out, ugh, it was so hard to read knowing he wasn’t coming home.
So, even though I know I’m guilty of it and I’m sure will fall back into it faster than I mean to, avoid that countdown. Focus on the moment today and make time for your kids who want to be silly with you. Realize that all that fancy china you’re waiting to use for a ‘special occasion’ should be used today. Love on your man and show him how much you appreciate him and let them all know that they are more important that work, cleaning, that tv show or whatever it is that’s taking your attention away from what’s really important.
Okay, I’ve stepped off my soapbox.
all pictures via
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
My days are numbered
It’s right around the corner here, people. The turmoil that’s going on inside this little body of mine is indescribable.
Ok, it’s easily describable, really. I’m indifferent. I only have 3 days left of being a 20 something. 3 days left of being in the ‘young age’. 3 days left of the dreaded and or awesome (depending on who you are) age of 29.via hostessblog
G-man said something to me a few weeks back that..now..I don’t remember….ah, shoot! is it because I’m getting old!? Son of a monkey’s uncle! People! I’m losing my memory already!
This can’t be good. What’s the vitamin you take for memory!? I find this a little disconcerting. I’m concerned, concerned I tell ya!
So anyhoo, crazy moment has passed, (touch and go there for a moment) and I feel that I’m not 30 (well, I guess I’m not just yet). But my sis and I had a deep conversation that I DO remember, only because I saved all the texts. So here’s a taste of why I don’t feel I’m ready to be a 30 year old.
Sis: Getting excited? You’re going to be the big 30
Me: I don’t feel I’m old enough to be 30 yet…
Sis: Whatever!!! lol
Me: ..just saying I don’t feel I’m going to be 30. 23 maybe. Me and 30 haven’t become full friends yet.
Sis: You need a husband and a few kids and you’d feel it I’m sure!!
Me: True dat! I’m sure with that will come the ‘maturity’ I feel a 30 something would have.
Sis: lol, maturity?! Puh!
Me: Not literal maturity mind you but the maturity of ‘responsibility’, ya feel me?
Sis: Yup
Me: So until that time I’ll feel like a little girl playing a grown up turning 30
Sis: Sounds like fun! Can I play?
Me: Sure thing. The more the merrier.
End convo. Did you stick around for all that? That pretty much sums up what I’m feeling. And then the no career path anymore, just makes me feel like less of a grown up.
This is not how I envisioned my life at this age. It’s not for the better or for the worst, its just so far from what I thought it would be like and I think the “ideal” life of a 30 year old woman is being held over my head a bit.
I realize I stopped at the age of 15 for what I learned each year and I said I’d continue on, but let’s be honest, I don’t feel like saying each and everything I learned at each age.
I’ll sum it up with this. I learned A LOT in those 15 years. How to live on my own, establish my home and how to be independent. And make it through the most challenging aspects of my life.
I bought my first place, was a landlord, and dealt with a short sale. I watched my credit go from fantastic to horrible in just a matter of a couple months and slowly build it back up with being smart. I’ve learned how to be completely debt free and am happy to stay that way.
I’ve learned to love and learned to deal with hurt and pain. How to make it through disappointment. How to deal with my life being threatened on a daily basis at work. Who I can trust and not. I’ve learned to be solely dependent on my Savior and know that although I don’t get my life, He does.
I’ve learned to communicate, be honest and sincere. I’ve learned that giving feels so much better than receiving and selflessness is something I enjoy being but need to learn more of. I’ve learned being fit and healthy is very important to me. I’ve learned that I value my quiet time alone and routines will always be my preference. Organization and cleanliness is a necessity and anything chaotic, I avoid.
And I’ve learned that after 29 years, I still enjoy waking up at 3:02am to wish myself a Happy Birthday and know I’ll continue to do it for years to come.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
I got nothin’
Well, that’s not entirely true…. Look who’s home!
They arrived yesterday morning. We hugged and hugged for the longest time, before they leapt out of my arms, onto the ground and insisted I put them on right then and there.
I obliged, since after all, that’s what they’re there to do. It was a fantastic reunion.
Other than that, sadly I got nothin’. And to think someone said to me just last week, (and I quote) ‘I know how adept you are at writing a lot without much to say.’ You’re lucky you’re kinda my friend and you don’t live near me, little missy. ;) Tomorrow promises to be a lot more thought provoking, criss cross promise.
Oh, I should be revealing my new blog name and design to you very very very soon. Can’t wait to show it to you! I’m super happy with it, so stay tuned...
Monday, July 25, 2011
I’m thankful for 23
random picture of Rome to start your day
Happy Monday everyone! It was a fine weekend, was it not? I actually had one of the busiest past 5 days in well over a year. Having to do something each and every day and whew! it wore me out.
My feet aren’t quite ready for doing stuff every single day, just yet. And to think, the doctor thought I’d be running after 2 weeks. Puh! I can barely walk without looking like an idiot.
I’m thankful for
- being able to walk. At least I have that.
- a great group of women in my bible study. They’re so fun to hangout and grow deeper in the word with. I look forward to every Sunday evening we get to get together.
- for the ways God answers prayers. It’s amazing how no matter how much you do everything in your power to keep something from happening, if He wants it to happen, it will.
- all the quiet time I have in my life right now. I’m sure at some point in the future, I won’t have a tenth of this quiet and alone time, so I figure I’ll appreciate it now even though it’s been hard to lately.
- knowing I’m taken care of. I don’t know why I worry or get down over things but as this verse floats around with people posting it for themselves, it’s a big reminder for me to not fear and get discouraged over things in my life.
Jeremiah 29:11
’For I know the plans that I have for you,' declares the LORD, 'plans for welfare and not for calamity to give you a future and a hope.
I hope this verse can soothe you today in the way you need. Have a wonderful start to your week, my friends!
Pin It Now!Sunday, July 24, 2011
Chicken basil quesadilla
My basil plant is overflowing with deliciousness and I haven’t quite been tapping into it like I hoped I would. It’s sitting on my neighbor’s balcony (on the 2nd floor) and me and stairs have a hate relationship right now since, well, I can’t take them too well these days.
But a few days ago, I managed to make it up there to check up on it and snipped me some yumminess to take back and darn if I didn’t have a clue what to do with it. I have no food in the house since cooking is still a chore but the only thing I could think of, and for me this is very adventurous, is making a quesadilla.
No, a quesadilla isn’t the adventurous part. Adding basil to it is. I’m a purest. I like cheese only in my quesadilla, nothing more. Anything more just gets in the way of the more cheese I could have added, but I stepped out of my box and added chicken and basil.
Verdict? Deliciously refreshing and down right a keeper! So, I’m sharing with you.
Here’s everything you need: All the cheese you want, basil, tortillas and already cooked shredded seasoned chicken (courtesy of mi madre)
Butter one side of each tortilla in the thinnest possible layer. Where all you see is a shine.
Salt the buttered side and lay it face down in a hot pan and fill with goodness.
Cover with the other, butter side up and salt the top to your little hearts content! (I like having that extra crunch it gives.)
Flip when it’s pretty and golden and crispy.
When all crispy and melty, cut in 4’s and have some nice cold milk with it. Why not!
If you make it be prepared for happiness in your mouth. I made it again 2 nights later since it was so good..and well, I had extra of everything, which helped.
1/2 cup shredded chicken
copious amounts of shredded sharp cheddar
chopped fresh basil
flour tortillas
Heat a pan on med to med-high heat (my stove is lame so it’s on med-high which is really a wee bit more than med). Meanwhile grate cheese, chop basil and put a thin layer of butter on one side of each tortilla. Salt the butter side and lay butter side down in hot and ready pan. Layer with basil, chicken and cheese and cover with tortilla butter side up and salt. Once crispy, about 3-5 minutes, flip to brown the other side.
Once melted and browned, transfer to your plate and slice in fours and enjoy all the melted cheese in your mouth.
Friday, July 22, 2011
So in conclusion…
Happy Friday to you all!! I feel updates for this week are in order, so…
Can I just say you all are the best?! I can’t believe how much you loved my vineyard pictures that it made me blush and wonder if one day I could actually sell them or do it more than just as a hobby.
So thank you from way down here (I’m pointing toward my heart..I’m a visual), your sweet comments meant (and still do mean) a lot!
Now on to some super exciting and life altering news.
As you were all made aware, yesterday I reported that my beloved slippers have gone missing. Well, I am happy to report that they’ve been recovered!
Yes folks, my friend reported back to me with the great news that they were hidden under the guest bed!
It only took me begging and pleading for her to look all over her house again. And can I just say, she really made me wait in suspense, like really. Taking hours to get back to me. -sheesh- Now the next step is getting them here, to me! She wants an arm and a leg…with a good foot, in order for her to mail them to me. (she drives a hard bargain, this one)
Any volunteers for the good foot?! Just remember, you’ll still have 1 good foot remaining AND it’s for a really good cause. This cripple here is struggling walking barefoot in the apt.
Rolling right along (here’s you getting to meet my brain, on how I thought of ‘rolling right along’)
I called myself a geriatric with how I’m walking, I met a women w/a walker with rollers tonight. I’m talking about being a cripple, then fast forwarded to her age, me with a walker, not wanting a walker and bam! rolling right along.
(you’re welcome for the introduction)
Thank you everyone also for all the wonderful birthday suggestions. I’m taking many of them to heart and hope to do quite a few of them. I got to talking with my sister and mom (who live near each other) and agreed that I’d go stay at my parents for the weekend.
Though my sister denies ever saying it, she agreed to make my birthday epic. I think she’s scared to have the weight on her shoulders, but I have no doubt that being responsible for her one and only, favorite little sister in the world, whom she’d do anything for’s 30th birthday isn’t that much weight to carry and I have all the confidence she’ll pull it off and leave me talking about it for years to come.
Yup, I’m sure of it.
I hope you all have had a fabulous week and keep it going into the weekend…minus working of course. If you have to work on the weekend, just call in sick, they won’t mind, promise. And enjoy the days of relaxation, on me.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Call the police!
Alert the media, we need this to go global!
Have you seen these shoes?!?
They’ve been missing for 27 days. People, we’re at Defcon 5 here! We. need. to. find. THESE SHOES!! Here’s my police report.
On Friday, June 24th, at approximately 0545 hours, I, Emily, had last seen the shoes on the floor next to the guest bed in my friend’s guest bedroom, in her Los Angeles home as I was preparing for the drive to the surgical center where I was to have surgery.
On Sunday, July 3rd, at approximately 1325 hours, I noticed the brown Minnetonka moccasins were not in their original place inside the bedroom nor under the bench in the entry way. At which point, G-man was brought into the search and stated matter-of-factly that he recalled seeing the moccasins inside the Highlander at which point the search ceased.
Upon resuming the search within the vehicle on July 15th, it became clear the moccasins were indeed, not inside the vehicle, which began the search again within my residence, and the search produced zero results. At which point, a text was sent to the friend inquiring if the moccasins were within her home and the response was “no”. A call was placed on July 18th to request a more thorough search from the friend and am currently awaiting the results.
If you or anyone know of the whereabouts of the moccasins please contact me within the comments or if you feel you know who may have taken them and would prefer privacy, email is available also.
This concludes my report.
You have my permission to tweet, facebook, re-post and or email this police report to extend the search until they are found.
Pin It Now!
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A walk through the vines
I have this thing for vineyards. I find them so absolutely beautiful in every stage they’re in. They look beautifully eerie in the winter and lush, soft and full of life in the summer. It’s easy to love them even more since I live around a whole bunch of them. Many vineyards around me actually make raisins for Sunmade and I hope to capture those stages in the future.
The other day, however, I was intent on taking pictures of my friend’s vineyard (who coincidentally does raisins) yet, she wasn’t home. But determined I was, and set out any way to find a random vineyard.
I always get nervous when I think of pulling over to take pictures. I don’t like to be ‘seen’ and the fact that people driving by will see me with my camera gets me very uncomfortable. In fact, anyone EVER seeing me at any point, makes me uncomfortable. Amazing I wanted to be a model right?!
I’ve always been one to hunch my shoulders forward to drop a few inches so I wouldn’t stick out so much or blend in with neutral clothes or stay toward the back so I’m not visible to others. Even though people are zooming by and probably won’t think of me 5 seconds after seeing me, it still keeps me from pulling over to get a picture.
And naturally, the one time prior I DID pull over to take pictures of a vineyard at sunset, a car honked at me…which I hated and proved my point of people ‘seeing me’ at which point I promptly jumped back in my car and drove off.
But thankfully I found this absolutely stunning (to me) vineyard. The kind where I can walk through and get lost in. The kind that are taller than me and looks like trees flowing with grapes that you could just reach and pluck off the vine to savor…and did I mention it was on a side street off the main road!? –mmmhhmm, my kind of vineyard!
After taking a few from the outside, I became bold and walked in between 2 rows and oh the fun I had. I got lost in there, taking so many pictures. No one could see me and I didn’t feel an ounce of pain as I was squatting and walking through the dirt. It was joyous. I felt God’s beauty while I was in there and kept talking to Him as I snapped away.
Whew, a lot, right? If it’s a bit of an overload for you, just know I look through these at least 5 times a day, I’m that enamored with them right now (and yes, I have some that I've kept from you) . I don’t know when the last time was that I had so much joy as I did taking these. I loved it.
and for the record, I didn’t touch or disturb anything in this vineyard.
John 15:5
”I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.”
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Trip fail
There’s a reason why I keep things to myself most of the time. Why when people ask about certain ‘events’ in my life I refrain from giving them the details and play coy.
Over many years, I’ve learned this lesson the hard way, telling people my exciting news only to have it backfire. So imagine my chagrin when a trip that’s normally solidified on G-man’s word, a trip that I kept almost virtually to myself, gets canceled, and ok, yes, I told a few of you my plans. *sigh*
I was going to spend my birthday in Hawaii. G-man was going to fly me out a few days before and I was going to be there for 3 weeks.
Happy Birthday to me, right?!
Unfortunately he has to go to the south for work just a few days after my bday and we agreed it’s pointless only to have me be there for 1 week. I realize most people only spend a week in HI but this is me, where I spend a month or more there at a time and 1 week can’t be justified on the pocketbook.
I’m so bummed, like absolutely positively bummed beyond bummed. Now I have nothing to do for my epic day or weekend!
Epic FAIL is what its turning out to be.
This is typical Emily fashion right here. Super excited about things, about my big ol’ stinkin’ birthday and doing something to remember it and have it end in crappiness.
*unintentional pun there..ol’ stinkin’ …end in crappiness…gotta make light somewhere, right? ha!
Ok, I’m sorry. It still has potential to be something. And I’m sorry, I don’t mean to be a downer. I’m just sad, I have no plans now and I put way too much on this day and got myself disappointed.
Maybe it’ll turn out to be ok. There’s still a few days left to figure something out.
Anyone worked on any ideas? Remember when I said I needed your suggestions? I’m AAAAALL ears!
And seriously, since I can’t have you guys wanting to scratch your eyes out over this more than depressing post, I’ll leave you with some other ‘fails’ courtesy of pinterest.
and last but not least:
via via via via
that last one alone is doing the trick for me…
Monday, July 18, 2011
I’m thankful for 22
Tell me you had a great weekend. Come on, I won’t take anything less. …I’m so glad your weekend was a good one. Mine was funny, thanks for asking.
I told a group of women Friday night, (that I’ve never met before, mind you) that I live alone and talk to my fridge and sink on a regular basis. Would you believe that they stared at me as if I were a crazy person? Maybe I should withhold that information for maybe the 2nd meeting, whatchya think?
When people give me the floor to speak, sometimes I say a lot more than I should. But have no fear, I made a crack about myself, had them laughing up a storm and all was well with the world again.
This week, I’m thankful for
My co worker who was found in the river Saturday a mile and a half from where he went missing. I’m just glad they found his body so they can begin mourning.
My sweet friend, Michelle, who went to the store with me. I couldn’t have done it without her since I’m definitely not ready to do all that walking just yet.
The chance to go to an amazingly beautiful vineyard and take pictures of it. It was so enjoyable. I’ll share more later this week, but here’s a sneak peak.
For cooler weather. I know I spend 96% of my days inside (4% is getting the mail) but it keeps me from running my a/c as much and makes this girl happy.
Still eating my mom’s cooking from 3 weeks ago. It’s been 3 1/2 weeks since my surgery and I still have so much of her food in the freezer left. So happy for that!
Staying up until 1:30 in the morning several nights in a row to play words with friends with G-man while trash talking the entire time. He has me rolling with the things he says. I’d show you some ‘talking’ that we’ve done just the other night, but I’m not sure you’d get our humor.
Healing. I’m healing more and more each day and can do a little more each day, which is nice. I can’t wait for all the stitches to fall away, scabs to disappear and to take a step without pain.
What are you thankful for today?
Friday, July 15, 2011
15 days and counting
Are we all aware of this?! What? You weren’t?? Crazy because I could have sworn I told you at least once…or twice.
OK yes! this is the 3rd time I’m mentioning I’ll be turning 30 this month. I’m feeling weird here, work with this poor aging cripple, ok?
But wait, tell me if this is, odd. I saw that someone read my blog from a government server from the House of Representatives in DC the other day. Can I just say, that scared me a bit. (if you happen to come back today and see that I’m talking about you, um, don’t fear but put my fear to rest by saying you weren’t “checking up” on me. Ok, thanks!)
It makes me want to be careful with the things I talk about. G-man is in the military and even though I’m careful, I can’t have anything interfere with his career.
AAAAAANYHOOOOO let’s resume, shall we?
Let’s see if I can bestow some wisdom on you all as I figure out what I learned at each passing year. Prepare yourself for mind blowing wisdom…or a bunch of random facts from my childhood.
1-4 Learned to walk, talk, skip and how best to maintain shyness (no really, all of that in 4 years!)
5 Having a nail stuck to a 2x4 go through your foot is not fun, rather painful but not crying shows awesome strength for a 5 year old.
6-9 Having and helping on a paper route lets you stay up real late, however when it rains you stay up even later and don’t enjoy it. But sitting on the window frame to throw the paper out the car is the best thing ever.
10 Turning double digits is the coolest.
11 Playing the flute is rad but when they’re out of flutes, playing clarinet is even radder! (especially when your oldest brother scores you a ‘free’ clarinet from somewhere)
- The boy that plays the saxophone and has a major crush on you; will buy you dweebs anytime you want. Even when he says he’s running out of money to buy you the dweebs..he’ll still buy them for you.
12-13 Learning what ‘is there a flood coming?’ by having someone ask you, is not what you strive for when you move to a small town and get to be ‘the new girl.’
- Being the tallest “person” in your grade and the grade above you is awkward.
14 Living on a farm requires you to work in freezing temperatures.
- Watching your brother jump to the next hay stack, lose footing and fall 14 feet down with hay falling around him, is funny. Jumping to the next hay stack, losing footing and falling 14 feet down flat on your back, is not.
- Not being taller than boys anymore is a good thing. Not being the tallest girl anymore is harder to take than you thought.
15 Being boy crazy is no fun when you can’t date.
- Sports is all that defines you, not looking stylish, not being in the cool group (far from it), just sports.can we please pause to observe the skillful photographer who happens to have his shadow in the picture?! Negative: lighting is apparently behind him. Positive: it makes me look really TAN when I wasn’t.
Seeing how it’s 15 days out and half way to 30, I’ll stop there. Don’t want to overload you with my childhood cuteness and all. Small doses is what I say.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I’d like to introduce myself
I have a few new followers so I just wanted to say, Hi, welcome! I’m glad to have you here and definitely a little tickled (ok, more than tickled) you want to read what I have to say. =)
Who wants a mini bio? I’d love to officially introduce myself.
Emily’s the name, last names aren’t my game. I keep my last name private, to keep some sense of restraint and mystery.
I’m 29, on the brink of hitting 30 and the youngest of 4…as you may have seen yesterday.
G-man and I have been together for 3 years and 10 months. We’ve had our moments in that time, but I love him with all that I have and eagerly await the future.
In that 3 years 10 months, we’ve lived apart for 3 years. It’s been long distance almost the entire time. I think I could write a book on how to do it. Stay tuned for the future ‘love story’…
Within that time, he’s been on 1 deployment, moved 5 times and I’ve moved 3. Bringing MY moving total to 24 times, and I foresee many more moves in my future. But all 24 times have all been in 3 states. CA, NV and UT. I’m a west coast girl born and bred, where I can tell you what a ‘dry heat’ feels like and how to ‘rock’ your car back and forth to get it unstuck from the snow.
I thought I wanted to be a model when I was 19, so I took classes, got my zed card (or like 100 of them) and did a couple things. Even moved to Los Angeles to pursue it, but all the agencies told me I was ‘too commercial’ for what they wanted and ended up having to work 2 jobs to survive.
I got to be an extra in a commercial with Carrot Top, movies called America’s Sweethearts and The Bookie and was in the audience for The Weakest Link and a talk show that failed.
I’m all about sports, playing volleyball, basketball and track in high school and getting to play Volleyball in college. And playing any sports now for fun. Except when it comes to Volleyball. I don’t like playing ‘for fun’ with people who don’t know how to play. I can’t do it. It’s not fun to me and I just end up being frustrated.
I’ve always been the ‘good girl’ and never had the desire to be anything other. Even working in a prison for 6 years, I was still the ‘good girl’ which meant a lot of Officers didn’t trust me since they thought I would ‘snitch’ on them when they did bad. But even this good girl slips up and follows along to keep another Officer in trouble from getting fired, which meant I could have been fired for what I did. (ironically he was fired a few years later for something similar)
My ultimate dream job would be being the fitness model you see in magazines or online showing you the step by step workout moves. I’d love to do that since it would mean I’d be in phenomenal shape and I wouldn’t have to look at the camera and ‘be pretty’.
My weakness is mint chocolate chip ice cream or Blue Bunny’s cherry chocolate bordeaux. mmmm, just had me some last night. I think that that’s the #1 most important thing for a single woman to have in her freezer, her favorite ice cream and I think it can make all things better.
So now you have a little taste of me. =) Is there anything else you’d like to know? Ask me anything and I’ll answer…just about anything. But I hope this helped you get to know me a little bit more, and naturally there’s a lot more that encompasses me so I’m happy to share if you’re willing to ask.