Life is back to normal once again. I made it to my uncle’s funeral Friday all the way in Utah, and it was nice. Beautiful weather. The kind where it rains and rains and rains all week and then that morning, blue skies, sunshine and warmth. It was a short service at the gravesite and then we all went our separate ways.
Thank you to everyone who left such sweet comments on Friday. I appreciate each and every one of them. I had plans to go to Las Vegas this past weekend any way, so it worked out in my favor that I was able to move my flight to Thursday to make it in time. And it worked even more in my favor, because I picked up my dad on Friday and we made the 2 hour drive together to Southern Utah.
In true Emily fashion, I was late…to a funeral. Who does that!? I blame the fact I spilled coffee on my top on the way and having to stop at my brother’s to change. They drove on, while I was still getting ready at his house.
After it was all said and done, we grabbed a bite with my brother and his wife and waited at the house for their kids to get out of school. I don’t get to see them very much, so even though they know me, they don’t know me, so it takes a little bit to break past the awkwardness, but thankfully we broke through it and had a great time.
Younger kids are easier..
It’s the older ones that take some time to get through to..
and the even older ones that are down right difficult.Oh wait, that’s my brother! He wanted me to take a ‘selfie’ of him, not understanding that by me taking it, it in fact is not a selfie, but he hates photos any way, so it didn’t really matter.
We watched my niece play her game, listened to parents scream back and forth at each other and watched the high school girl who umped, cry because of how they acted toward her.
It was craziness, and uncomfortable, but they won and all was right in the world (on our side any way) again. The highlight of that game was my younger niece and I talking in British accents through the last 3 innings. We’re rather good at it. Delicious pizza followed, then shaved ice, then candy, then a movie. And in that time, I broke through with their 10 year old boy. I felt like I accomplished a lot being able to carry a conversation with him.
Is it just me who has a hard time talking to older boys?
By no means was this my typical day, but it was a day that though it started out in grief, ended with joy by being surrounded by children and family and I really think I could get used to that kind of ending.

glad you were able to make it to the funeral and have time with family you don't see often.
and no, you are not the only one who has trouble talking to a ten year old boy. oh, wait, i HAVE a ten year old boy! if i need to know anything i have to ask his eight year old sister. or better yet, the youngest... she knows everything and is not afraid to spill it!
Glad everything went well!
Yeeeea....why do parents have to be that way?! GEEEEEZ it's just a game people! No fun. but glad you were able to spend time with your family and see your niece play!
Welcome back to the "normal".
I am glad your weekend turned out well! How old is the little girl who didnt want her picture taken? Younger kids are easier. Did you talk in a British accent as you typed about you two talking with accents? I read that part of your post in a British accent haha.
Pizza I want pizza!
Glad your day ended well!
How great that you could end such a day with family and a boon! I was not only late but arrived at the wrong funeral once...DOnt feel bad.
@zoe bryd
are you serious? Oh my gosh, I can't imagine if I did that, though I was wondering as I was walking up to the grave site if I was going to the right one. Thankfully they were the only mass of people at the cemetery!
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