Monday, April 15, 2013

Sweet relief

We start all over again today. Weekends never seem long enough yet I seem to get everything done in those 2 short days. This weekend was no exception. So many notable mentions. I made the big leap to fold up the 2 winter blankets on my couch and bed and tuck them away in the closet. Its too warm here now for either. And I’ve officially shut off the pilot light to my fireplace.

No more pretty warm and cozy fires needed here.

Saturday, I woke up still under attack from whatever I was dealing with. Some of the blood tests came back negative for anything, Friday, and I was getting irritated that by all accounts, I was “fine”, though I was far from it. I hadn’t eaten in over 2 days (beyond toast for breakfast, lunch and dinner) and people were commenting that I had lost weight…and I could definitely tell I had!

By Saturday afternoon, with G-man’s prodding, I called the doctor’s office and asked for something for the pain. I picked up the meds, and within 30 seconds of walking in my door, the office called saying they received more test results that showed I have a bacterial infection.

Halleluiah! They found what’s wrong!

They called in the prescription for the antibiotics and told me I no longer needed the other meds. Thank goodness they only cost me $2 otherwise it would have been a huge waste of money. They’re still waiting for the remaining test results but I’m already feeling better after 2 days of the antibiotics.

It’s linked to raw foods. Poultry, milk and contaminated water. Its hard to pinpoint, but it was either me somehow coming in contact with the water in Mexico, the raw milk I drank, or cross contamination of the raw chicken I handled. Honestly, I’m leaning toward the chicken…but who’s to say. To be on the safe side, I threw all foods away in my fridge, including the leftover chicken and did some major grocery shopping to start all over.

And then I ate. I ate real food..and it.was.good!!

Did you know it’s the start of strawberry season? Strawberry stands are open all over and its one of the few things that help me live where I live.

Don’t let the look fool you, this is one of the best strawberry stands around!
photo 1 (14)

Are you like me? Here’s a little taste of how I pick for instagram (@emily_grapes if you want to follow along) …and how slow my brain works sometimes with ideas.
Originally I was going to post the whole box (simple.. a little boring), then I felt like making it look like a flower bud, then with a drooping stem, slowly adding leaves but still feeling something’s off…
photo 4 (9)

I shift the stem over and finally happy with the final look. (in all actuality this served to keep me from deep cleaning my bathroom, so I was ok with experimenting).
photo 2 (14)

I also got dressed up over the weekend and couldn’t help but notice how long my hair has gotten. This is the longest I’ve ever had it. Ever. A haircut is so very necessary. em130
Can’t wait to see how your weekend went.

If you’re on Instagram, how do you choose your photos? Do you play around like I did with the strawberries until you get the best photo? Or take 1, maybe 2 shots and pick the best and post? Or are you a snap and poster!? Blurry and all??

Pin It Now!


Evelien said...

OK I really need a smartphone so I can start using instagram! You look cute in that last pic!
And I'm so happy they found what's wrong 'cause it is hard if you're feeling off and can't find the reason for it. Get well soon! said...

WTH is with all these infections.

I had one a couple weeks ago that had my back & legs aching like no tomorrow. I linked it to something else and 3 weeks later when i went to doc for something else and found out i had it all along.

A week of taking sulfur pills and boom gone!!

Hope u feel much better this week.

MMMM i want berries, they will be middle of july with the snow still on ground here.

My-cliffnotes said...

Love the long hair!

F the infection and I miss your texts.

That is all!

Amanda Wissmann said...

YAAAAAAY! IM SO GLAD they found what was wrong and you can start living your life again! AND EATING! WOOOOHOOOOOO!

Love the strawberry pic{s} too cute!

Instagram...hmmm...a lot of time I dont have the time to play around too I take a few, choose the less blurry one {lol} slap on a filter {sometimes} and post!

The Heart Of A Woman said...

Your hair is beautiful, the strawberry picture is awesome, and I am so glad you have answers! I'm glad you have medicine and can get better soon!

Laura Darling said...

I always WAY overthink my instagram pics too! But I love the one you chose! :)

Unknown said...

look at your long gorgeous hair! i love it!!

oh my word... i SO miss strawberry season in CA. they are so fresh and MUCH cheaper. enjoy some for me!


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